Legal Notice

Access to the  website and the use of its contents, shall be done within the framework of the legal notice and conditions of use herein. Accessing and browsing the le site website implies that the user fully accepts the following conditions:


1 – Publisher
The website is published by the Société Parisienne de Parfums & Cosmétiques (SPPC), a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €500,000, having its headquarters at 130 Rue de Courcelles, 75017 Paris, and registered at the Paris Register of Companies under the RCS number PARIS B 351 644 562.
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 13351644562
Director of Publication: Mr FAWAZ in his capacity as Vice-President


2 – Host
The websites hosted by:
OVH Address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France Tel: +33 (0) 899 701 001 – Fax: +33 (0)3 20 20 09 58 E-mail:  Website:


3 – Intellectual Property
The website and its contents, including but not limited to, brands, models, logos, images and other documents, belong exclusively to SPPC, and are all protected by the intellectual property rights, in France and abroad. Likewise, all trademarks referenced on this website are protected by copyrights in France and internationally. Therefore, any dissemination, copy, duplication, modification, transfer, representation or reproduction, whether in part or in full, of the website or of any of its elements, in any manner and in any respect, is strictly prohibited, as is their alteration. The non-observance of this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeit which can engage liability for offenders and deemed punishable by the penal code in France or abroad.


4 – Responsibilities
SPPC shall make its best effort to ensure the reliability and the accuracy of the information on its website, and to update thoroughly. However, SPPC does not in any way guarantee the accuracy and the exhaustiveness of the information provided. More generally, SPPC cannot be held responsible for any possible damage, be it direct or indirect, whichever are the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, caused by anyone accessing is website or being unable to access it. Likewise, it cannot be held responsible for any use or information accredited directly or indirectly to its website..
SPPC reserves the right to amend or correct documents published on its website at any time and without prior notice.


5 – Access to the service
Access to is available 24/7, except in a case of a force majeure or of an event beyond SPPC control, and subject to potential breakdowns or maintenance required for the proper functioning of the service. Access can occur from any user’s computer connected to a communication network allowing access to the website. Communication protocols that are used are those used by the internet network. Access and usage rights to the are exclusive and non-transferable.


6 – Links
SPPC accepts no liability for contents, advertising, products, or services available on or from websites linked to its website through a hypertext link.


7 – Cookies 
Cookies are small files that are left on a user’s computer when browsing a website and which may be read during subsequent visits to this same website.
To enjoy all the features offered by the website, allowing cookies to be recorded is preferable. We would also like to remind users that cookies do not enable us to identify users.
However, in accordance with the recommendations from Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (French Data Protection Agency), please note that you can stop the cookies from being recorded by configuring your browser to this end (information available on, see “mentions cookies,” or “cookies”).


8 – Personal Data
No personal data is collected without the knowledge of website users.
No personal data about users is sold to third parties or used for unintended purposes.
In accordance with Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, amended by law no. °2004-801 of 6 August 2004, Users have a right to access, correct, object to, and expunge information about them, by simply writing to the following address:
SPPC  130, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris France


9 – Website design
Web designer: Agence Noir Ivoire
Developers: ketsu
Photographer: @Hajaar